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CINQ Wallet

UX Strategy & Product Design

Showcasing a new digital product backed by a well-known financial brand

cinq mobile.png

Quick facts

My Role

Freelance UX Designer


3 months

(May - Jul 2024)

Team Members

Account Manager

Creative Director 

Product Owner

UX Designer

Copy Writer







Information Architecture




HLK Agency


Coinstar is primarily recognized for its coin-counting machines, which are commonly found in grocery stores and retail locations. These machines enable users to easily deposit loose change and receive cash or gift cards in return, making Coinstar a trusted name in coin processing and redemption services. Building on its established brand, the company has now ventured into the digital and financial realm with cryptocurrency. Coinstar wanted to introduce a new product that offers a safe and secure digital wallet for managing cryptocurrency funds.

The Ask

Coinstar required a dedicated website to showcase its new product. I was responsible for creating engaging content highlighting the product's features, customer benefits, specific crypto offerings, and a kiosk finder. 

Design goal:

  • Create high-fidelity wireframes for essential pages, components, and interactions and guide the development cycle. 

  • Define a digital style that embodies the new online brand, providing a foundation for all web components.

Client success metrics:

  • App Downloads 

  • Account Sign-ups

Product messaging

Don’t let your cash sit on the sidelines. Take your play money and let it be a player in the crypto game.

iPhone 16 (2) (1).png

Establishing the hierarchy

I started by researching various financial companies to determine the best way to present our services, highlight key benefits for customers, and clarify our offerings. While doing this, I noticed a common pattern among their websites, which helped me establish a strong foundation for our own site.

Homepage (Desktop) Copy_1x.png
Homepage (Desktop) Copy 3_1x.png
Homepage (Desktop) Copy 2_1x.png
Locations Copy (1).png
More info Copy (1).png
Kiosk Finder - Map view Copy (1).png
Kiosk Finder - List view Copy (1).png

Increasing the fidelity

After presenting my initial wireframes to the client and receiving their feedback, I collaborated with the team to synthesize the input and identify which details needed to be incorporated into the website. After two additional rounds of wireframe reviews, we finalized the wireframes, incorporating legal requirements, more descriptive copy, relevant links, and improved iconography.

Homepage (Desktop)_1x (1).png
About us (Desktop)_1x (1).png
Cryptocurrency (Desktop)_1x (1).png
Locations (1).png
More info (1).png
Kiosk Finder - Map view (1).png
Kiosk Finder - List view (1).png

A vibrant refresh for the new digital space

Working closely with the Creative Director, we developed an engaging website for the CINQ wallet palette to strengthen the brand's identity. The client was extremely pleased with the final design, which effectively captured the brand's essence and offered a memorable user experience featuring clear calls to action and a casual tone.

Group 65 (1).png
cinqwallet.com_about_ (3).png
cinqwallet.com_ (2) (1).png
cinqwallet.com_about_ (2) (1).png

Quickly access the right information

Users can easily access essential information, allowing them to make informed decisions with confidence. Service offerings, how-to guides, and consumer fees are prominently displayed on main pages.

cinqwallet.com_cryptocurrency_ (1).png
cinqwallet.com_cryptocurrency_ (1).png
Group 66 (1).png

Redesigned for greater efficiency

I redesigned the kiosk finder to enhance user visual preference by incorporating both a map view and a list view. Additionally, I updated the map pins to minimize clutter and adopted a unified card design for improved visual appeal.


kiosk finder - old.png
kiosk mobile old.png


kiosk finder - new.png
kiosk mobile new.png

Ensuring design consistency

By following the existing core color palette, I enhanced the style guide by adding more typography, iconography, logo variations, and other visual elements. I also documented which colors met accessibility standards.

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Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 11.02.57 AM.png
Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 11.00_edited.png
Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 11.44.33 AM.png
Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 11.28.47 AM.png
Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 11.00.44 AM.png
Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 11.01.01 AM.png
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Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 11.28.54 AM.png

©2024 Chyna Smith. All Rights Reserved.

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